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Also in the market to buy? Save up to $20,000 when you buy and sell with EKCIT. Search for homes.

High level of service without the high fees.

The EKCIT Difference


Traditional Way

Agent Representation

MLS Listing and Marketing

Save up to $20,000 when you buy and sell

List for $5,000

i You don't have to know the exact number, just give us an idea of what your home is worth so we can calculate your huge savings.
i If you choose to add your home to the MLS, you will need to specify how much Buyer Agent Commission you are willing to pay the buyer's agent. Most sellers offer a typical commission of 2.5% to 3% of the price of the home.
Sell With EKCIT And Save An Extra:

High level of service without the high fees.

More Money in Your Pocket

*Savings calculations based on difference between 3% listing agent commission and EKCIT’s low listing fee. Commissions and savings may vary.

*Past results don't guarantee future results.

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